KYOTO Traditional Craft Piano[EN]

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KYOTO Traditional Craft Piano[EN]

[Japanese] [English] [French]

YAMAHA Grand Piano Kyoto edition-spring model


YAMAHA Upright Piano Kyoto edition-summer model “HANABI”

YAMAHA Grand Piano Kyoto edition-winter model
YAMAHA Grand Piano Kyoto edition-winter model “Fuyu-no-Emi”

YAMAHA Grand Piano Kyoto edition-spring model
YAMAHA Grand Piano Kyoto edition-spring model “Haru-no-Maboroshi”

About our KYOTO-Makie Piano

The delicately drawn and gorgeous gold and silver coloring is what defines Kyoto’s traditional handicraft, Kyo-Maki-e.
Maki-e is lacquer ware decoration technique in which design is drawn in lacquer, over which gold, silver or other metal powder is sprinkled while the lacquer is wet.
It has a history of 1200 years.
We at Shinwa Music Co.,Ltd. are proud to announce that we will be beginning production of pianos of the Kyo-Maki-e design. We worked with lacquer artist, Kenji Omachi on our first model based on the Yamaha Grand Piano C3L.
The YAMAHA Grand Piano C3L with Kyo-Maki-e design is on display in the entrance robby of the KYOCERA headquarter in Kyoto.


Helping to pass on traditional craft skills to the future

We would like to help preserve the “authenticity” of traditional crafts by further enhancing their uniqueness through new materials and new methods of expression using them.
When people see something that can only be made by human hands and created by human hands, they feel a sense of warmth and comfort.
Our wish, that is, to cherish “genuine goodness” forever.



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YAMAHA Grand Piano Kyoto edition, Chiristmas model “Fuyu-no-Emi”



YAMAHA Grand Piano Kyoto edition-spring model

– Piano inspired by the petals of a flower swaying in the wind blowing through a Yoshino window –
YAMAHA Grand Piano Kyoto edition-spring model “Haru-no-Maboroshi”


Contact us for production requests

The spread of Covid-19 brought about a change in lifestyle.
With more time to enjoy music at home, the piano has become something more than just to play and listen to, which is why we have created a new style piano that helps to bring you healing through its visual elegance.
Crafted by lacquer artist Kenji Omachi, this one of a kind piano mixes the Kyoto traditional craft technique known as “Maki-e” with “Saikiko” is craft technique used Kyoto Opal, manufactured by Kyocera.
The traditional Kyoto artistry will create a Japanese atmosphere within your home.
Please feel free to contact us for production requests.


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Kyoto Opal’s unique play-of-color effect


YAMAHA Grand Piano Kyoto edition-summer model

YAMAHA Grand Piano Kyoto edition-summer model

YAMAHA Grand Piano Kyoto edition-summer model

YAMAHA Grand Piano Kyoto edition-summer model

We produced YAMAHA upright piano created with the image of fireworks with “Saikiko” and “Maki-e”.

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